The Growth Center is a 501c3
The Growth Fund was established in 2014 by Ilene Gallner Toller, a former member of The Growth Center, with seed money from the generous contributions of other former collective members.
One of the core components of the Growth Center's mission is to make counseling accessible to clients in greatest need while also ensuring fair pay for our therapists. This means that a significant proportion of our clients are seen at a net financial loss for the center. Donations to the Growth Fund help to close this gap and increase our capacity to take on low-income clients at an affordable sliding scale rate. When possible, the Growth Fund is also used to finance special projects that promote the center’s mission.
If you would like to support The Growth Center, you may use the button below to make a one-time or recurring donation through PayPal, or send a check made payable to The Women’s Growth Center, with For The Growth Fund on the reference line, to:
The Growth Center
5209 York Road #B12
Baltimore, MD 21212
A letter of written acknowledgment to substantiate a charitable contribution for tax deduction purposes can be made available upon email request sent to